Shorewest Shares: How To Polish A Dull Sink

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Tired of looking at a dirty, dull sink? There are things you can do to make it looking like new again.

Here’s how you can polish your stainless steel sink:

Supplies Needed

• Dish soap
• Wash cloth
• Soft towel
• Isopropyl Alcohol

1. Clean your sink with dish soap and dry thoroughly.

2. Grab a soft cloth and pour some Isopropyl Alcohol onto it.

3. Rub the Isopropyl Alcohol all over your sink until it becomes shiny.

4. TA-DA! Your sink is the shiniest of them all.

And if you have a porcelain sink:

Supplies Needed

• Baking Soda
• Peroxide
• Sponge
• Dish Soap
• Towel
• Lemon Oil

1. Clean your sink with dish soap and leave it wet.

2. Sprinkle baking soda on the sponge and begin scrubbing the surface in a circular motion.

3. Add peroxide to the sponge and continue to scrub.

4. Let set for 15 minutes.

5. Rinse your sink thoroughly. If there are any remaining dirty spots, or dull spots, scrub again.

6. Buff dry with a towel.

7. Polish with lemon oil to make it shine.

8. Buff dry again with a towel.

For more How-to tips and techniques, visit our Pinterest Page.

Categories: How to

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